Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Red Granite Columns of the Pantheon Portico

"The large columned porch of the Pantheon has a facade composed of eight columns in grey granite. Two red granite columns each are set behind the first, third, sixth, and eighth column of the facade, thus forming three aisles. The central aisle, which is the widest, leads to the entrance. The side aisles end in two large niches destined for the statues of Agrippa and Augustus. The tympanum was decorated with a crowned eagle in bronze of which only the fix holes still remain. The ceiling of the porch was also decorated in bronze but this was removed by Pope Urban VIII Barberini." - Romeguide


Anonymous said...

what's the name of the person who wrote this peice?

Mary Harrsch said...

I was quoting from the "RomeGuide" website. It indicates the information came from a Wikipedia article.